"Six Sided Summoner" is a masterful blend of strategy, adventure, and immersive storytelling set in the enchanting world of Yumegai, inspired by Japanese folklore.
Character Progression
This board game stands out with its unique character progression system, where managing a 12-slot inventory and customizing a skill tree are crucial for unlocking new actions and abilities. The thrill of discovering Omamori talismans and harnessing the magical power of Yokai demons adds an exciting layer of depth.
Epic Adventure
The game excels in creating an epic adventure experience. Beyond battling monsters and engaging with NPCs, players make impactful decisions that shape the map and the story, including the risk of unleashing curses by opening the Tori gate. This element of choice and consequence ensures a fresh and unique experience every time you play.
Dynamic Combat
Combat in "Six Sided Summoner" is dynamic and strategic, utilizing an innovative non-elimination system. Players roll dice, select attributes, use attack sources, and apply modifiers and status curses to outmaneuver their opponents. This combat system, intertwined with character development, keeps players engaged and invested. Sometimes it may turn out that it will be more advantageous to lose in a fight!
Double Layered HP System
The double-layered HP system is a brilliant touch, where losing traditional HP results in a STOP status that blocks an inventory slot, ensuring no player is eliminated. This keeps everyone in the game, adding to the tension and excitement.
Tactical Movement
The tactical movement mechanic allows players to influence the inhabitants of Yumegai, move neutral units, and employ strategies like Hit & Run. Controlling territories and gaining strategic bonuses adds another layer of depth and replayability.
Evolving Map
A standout feature is the dynamic map, which evolves with modular tiles, day and night cycles, and epic events. The ever-changing landscape and non-playable characters' movements ensure that each game session feels unique and unpredictable.
In summary, "Six Sided Summoner" is a richly detailed, strategic, and immersive board game that offers endless replayability and a captivating journey through the mystical land of Yumegai. Whether you're a fan of RPGs, strategy games, or Japanese folklore, this game is a must-try for any avid board gamer.
Now we will work on preparing further prototypes that we will send soon to reviewers.